The Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities requires smaller authorities such as Parish Councils to make information available to increase democratic accountability (see Governance section for more information).
The introduction of the Code was in part preparation for a new audit regime. Parish Councils with income or expenditure under £25,000 must use their website to display financial information. This is how the Council is made open to public scrutiny. The Council has to appoint an external auditor but only for the purpose of dealing with complaints about the accounts from the public, should any arise.
This section allows you to access all of the financial information that we are required to publish under the Transparency Code. The information for each financial year will be available after the end of the financial year, not later than 1 July.
Annual Internal Audit Report is part of our Annual Governance and Accountability Return (Part 2) completed at the end of the financial year.
Click on the year end below to open the report.
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Section 2 - Accounting Statements is part of our Annual Governance and Accountability Return (Part 2) completed at the end of the financial year.
Click on the year end below to open the statements.
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Click on the year end below to open the explanation of any significant variances & differences in the Accounting Statements for the year ending and the previous year.
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Click on the year end below to open the bank reconciliation for the end of year accounts.
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These detailed accounts indicate all income and expenditure to the year end, including individual items of expenditure over £100
Click on the year end below to open our accounts for the year.
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Click on the review date below to open our Asset Register. Lythe Parish Council does not own any land.
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Smaller authorities where gross annual income or gross annual expenditure does not exceed £25,000, and other qualifying criteria are met, do not have to send their Annual Governance and Accountability Return to an external auditor for a Limited Assurance Review.
Listed below are External Auditor's Reports & Certificates for the years that a Certificate of Exemption was not applied for.
Click on the year end below to open the Notice of Conclusion of the Audit and the External Auditor's Report & Certificate. With reference to the Notice, please note section 1 of the Annual Return is our Annual Governance Statement and section 2 is our Statement of Accounts
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